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“I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Roofian. 

I recently visited Dr. Roofian’s office after not getting relief from various antidepressants. My psychiatrist referred me after she had given up on me. Nothing was working and she didn’t know what else she could do. I was doubtful but after some research on Ketamine I figured I would give it a chance.

My family medicine doctor was against it because he thought it would make me “weird”. He only knew it as a drug of recreation. But I spoke to Dr. Roofian and my feelings were instantly put to ease. He was very knowledgeable and well informed on the subject and I instantly felt like this was the man that could heal me.

After the first treatment, I was a little disappointed. I felt like nothing had happened. Dr. Roofian explained that it would be a cumulative effect and that he was increasing my dose on a daily basis. After my third dose…. Wow!!!!!!!….I was a new woman… It wasn’t just me who noticed. My husband and all my family told me I had changed. As everyday went by I was feeling better and better. My mood changed, my energy level went up, and I found myself doing things I normally would shy away from”

If you feel that your current treatment has stopped working, I highly suggest you give Dr. Roofian a chance.

I had almost given up….I had the worst thoughts anyone could think of. I can truly say Dr. Roofian has helped save my life. “

I was diagnosed with CRPS when I was 32 years old. I lived with it for almost 4 years and was bedridden with it. The CRPS spread from my right arm , then to my left arm and eventually to my full body. It took years till I found my diagnosis. I was misdiagnosed several times.. MY doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Finally I saw Dr. Roofian. He was the first one to ever mention CRPS. 4 years I had been living with this and he was the first one to figure it out. First he tried some nerve blocks which had good relief but was very temporary. Finally, he recommended ketamine orally and then ketamine infusions. First I tried the oral ketamine. Day 1…..nothing. Day 2 though something changed. My pain went from 9/10 to 5/10. I continue the oral doses for a week and then we did a round of ketamine infusions. My pain is now a 1/10. Sometimes it’s a zero.
This has really changed my life. Before I could never leave the house. Now I’m in remission. I do normal things like go to the beach, park, play sports. These before were all the things I could never do and caused flares.
I’m so grateful I found Ketamine and Dr. Roofian.

Conditions Treated​

We understand your pain and provide quick relief.​
Lichen sclerosus

Our Locations

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Shawn Roofian, MD, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Booking: 310-926-4922
  • Inquiries 310-926-4922
  • Address: 8500 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 105, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Shawn Roofian, MD, Tarzana, CA
  • Booking: 310-926-4922
  • Inquiries 310-926-4922
  • Address: 19228, Ventura Blvd, Suite A, Tarzana, CA 91356

Shawn Roofian, MD, Beverly Hills, CA
Phone appointments): 310-926-4922| Phone (general inquiries): 310-926-4922
Address: 8500 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 105,Beverly Hills,CA 90211

Shawn Roofian, MD, Tarzana, CA
Phone (appointments): 310-926-4922| Phone (general inquiries): 310-926-4922
Address: 19228 Ventura Blvd, Suite A, TarzanaCA 91356